Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Change of Pace

It's funny how quickly things can change.

All last week I felt really into Mr. Caesar.  He invited me to go on a short trip with him for the weekend - I declined after much debate.  I found myself missing him all weekend long.  We had no contact.  I was really excited that as soon as he got back he called me and wanted to get together.

Mr. Chef has also been trying his darnedest to "see me in person again".  I started toying with the idea of keeping my options open.  Or at the very least keeping him around for comparisons sake.  If need be, we can always do a sex tie-breaker.  They won't ever have to know.  *insert evil laughs here*

Meanwhile, much to my dismay I have added to the confusion with mere moments of weakness.  Mr. Lover is back in the picture.  He was my first real love and I find myself wondering if he will one day end up being my one that got away.  I have tried not to keep him around because, well,  that's just not fair.  But yet, he's still always there.

Due to Mr. Caesar's drama - leading him to spend the night at his ex's house since I couldn't accommodate him - and a very questionable maturity level (that really affected me in no way so far) I find myself wanting to pull away a little bit.

This turn of events works out nicely for Mr. Chef.  I am hoping our day date for Friday works out.  We will see if we can't reignite that spark.


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