Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fake Bakin

I am a fair skinned little lady.
I also have dark hair and light eyes.
This makes complexion a real issue.

I go in fazes, switching back constantly between envying fair-skinned chicks and their ability to pull off their milky white complexions. Then spring rolls around and I'm back to envying the sun-kissed skin.

I want to be tan minus the damaging effects of visiting a tanning salon or laying out all day. (Who wants leather skin when they're 40?) So, this leaves me with bronzers and self-tanners. And we all know those come with their fair share of downsides as well. Who wants to look streaky and orange? I'm not about that Snooki look at all.

I've probably tried 80 gagillion different self-tanning creams, gels, sprays, and towelettes. Some are better they others, and they are most certainly not all created equal. Half of them I immediately regretted using - having to put on my largest pair of sunglasses and walking my happy ass to the nearest beauty store for tan remover. Thus wasting upwards of $60. And I'm not rich!

Then I found Famous Dave's Moisture Tan.
Hello, new best friend!
This stuff is pure amazingness in a bottle.

Just to be safe, I applied one small pump to both of my legs. I applied it before bed, it only took a few minutes to dry completely. When I woke up, my legs had a subtle tan. Yes tan. No orange-y hue here. Since I had determined this product wasn't a total bust, I re-applied it to my legs. Then I proceeded to apply it to my entire body, finishing with a quarter pump onto the backs of my hands.

Four hours later and I look healthy and lightly sun-kissed. I am so happy with this product! That is something I have never said about a self-tanner before. I could always find something wrong with them. For a mere $25 a bottle, this stuff definitely can't be beat.

Thanks, Dave! I love my sun-kissed glow!

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